Teaching Rangoli

Rangoli is a wonderful workshop activity for all ages and abilities–it is visually striking, simple to learn, non-competitive, quiet, meditative, sociable and temporary in nature.

It is captivating, both as an interactive performance piece or as a workshop or residency activity.

0024_group-focusWorkshops can range from a simple drop-in participatory session, to a more complex range of activities which can include: gathering of materials, creation of dyes and the dyeing of rice, history and methodology, design, construction and documentation.

Since 2000, I have conducted Rangoli workshops with schools and universities, retreats, summer camps, hospitals, women’s groups, shelters and prisons, refugee groups, art galleries, art centers and outdoor arts festivals.

Some testimonials:

‘Gowri’s presentation on Rangoli captivated my students’ interest, and her explanations were put into words my students
could easily grasp. Her visit also helped my students become familiar with an art form and a culture they never would have experienced otherwise. I’m looking forward to exploring Rangoli with my students through future lessons’.

Matt Neckers, Art Teacher, Hyde Park Elementary School, Waterbury, Vermont.

“Gowri immediately made a great connection with my students.  This connection made the art and experience engaging and meaningful for all the students.  It was awesome having her a part of our art room!”
Dorsey Hogg, Art Teacher, Georgia Elementary School, Georgia, Vermont

‘Gowri came to our school in May, 2011…I was particularly impressed with how she was able to break down the exercise into understandable and doable components.  It was even more impressive that she maintained students’ attention and they were actively engaged in the work for two hours, especially as this was a very challenging class.  I observed one student who is normally easily frustrated over such detailed and precise work, focused and persistent in his artwork.’
Vera Ryersbach, Art Teacher, Robinson Elementary School, Starksboro, Vermont.

Gowri at Georgia Elementary

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